massage therapy tailored to your unique needs using asihatsu barefoot massage and a blend of hands on modalities. when visiting our space we want to bring a sense of comfort, safety, and flow while approaching areas of discomfort, allowing a well rounded healing practice.


  • Specializes in Ashiatsu barefoot massage and therapeutic massage.

  • Graduated from Lexington Healing Arts Academy in 2016 and began practicing bodywork and massage.

  • Sunday, Monday, Tuesday


schedule a session.

Erika’s bookings begin in July 2024.

you are welcome to get in touch if you have any questions about the different services available. be sure to check out the add-on options if you select a therapeutic massage! they are an amazing way to take your relaxation to the next level.

Hours: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 9-4

(859) 274-3003


Payment can be made upon booking or is due at time of service. Cash/Card **Adding tax/fees to online payments?**

I understand that massage therapy is a therapeutic health aide and is non-sexual. Any sexual remarks or advances will terminate the session and I will be liable for payment of the scheduled treatment. Do you agree? * CANCELLATION POLICY. We ask that you respect our time just as we respect yours. In the event of cancellation, a 24-hour notice is required, otherwise 50% appointment fee may be charged. No-show appointments will be charged 100% fee. Do you agree?

I, the client, understand that a licensed massage therapist does not take the place of a medical practitioner. Massage is not suitable for some health conditions. I confirm that I have answered all health questions to the best of my ability.

If I experience any pain or discomfort during session, I will immediately inform the practitioner so that the pressure and/or strokes may be adjusted to my level of comfort.

If I experience any pain or discomfort during session, I will immediately inform the practitioner so that the pressure and/or strokes may be adjusted to my level of comfort.

Are you using a gift card? (If so, you will still need to provide credit card information to book. If you prepay it will charge full amount, so wait to pay remaining balance after your session. Make sure to bring your gift card with you!)